The greatest war on Earth is mostly unseen. I am talking about viruses, bacteria and other antigens, respectively. It really is a battle royal so-to-speak in the sense that its antigens versus antigens, antigens versus vaccines, antigens versus the immune system, and even vaccines versus our immune systems.
Some people don’t realize that last part, but it is important to note that while vaccines are made to help our immune systems fight off antigens and disease, our immune systems still regard them as foreign entities and an enemy to the system, and we exert energy fighting them too. Our bodies do not know that vaccines are trying to help. It is also important to understand that not everyone will have the same reaction with them, while vaccines have helped most, they are not always helpful to our immune systems.
If we truly believe in the science, we know we have to flip flop, backtrack and evolve with it. There is always room to learn more as things evolve, in a world constantly changing. That is one thing that always irked me with Dr. Fauci, regarding COVID-19 during the early stages he said “We haven’t changed, the virus has”… well anyone who knows anything about viruses knows more times than not, they will change. The science tends to change with them trying to stay ahead of it.
I have spent over 10 years reading various studies by virologists and immunologists, field operators and scientists directly related to the field, as well as studies coming from institutes like Harvard Medical School and Rockefeller University. I have spent over 10 years working directly with wastewater instrumentation and studying on viruses and bacteria in relation to my occupations. Five of those years were spent with my local government wastewater plant, and in those five years I got to meet some great operators and scientists with even more knowledge and experience. I got to witness bacteria eating each other, I read a lot of documentation about viruses, bacteria and how our bodies react to them, and how they react to each other. Before that, I was a facility technician for a solar manufacturing company that got to assist in overseeing and maintaining their wastewater room, which saw some of the worst chemicals go through there, ones that I spent a significant time trying to understand. Beyond that experience, in 2009, with all the swine flu hype, I received my first flu shot, and a few days later I was bedridden for days. I spoke with my doctor, then I was referred to a respiratory therapist, and I learned a lot more about the possibilities of how I got that sick. It also got me to start researching and taking a passion for understanding it all, I have been down that rabbit hole for over 10 years, constantly learning new things, and constantly undermining what I learned as new things came out, only to pull back the old stuff when it became relevant again. I am not an expert by any means, I have no documentation that certifies me to discuss on this, but I have the resume that shows I have lived in that world and therefor understand it much more than most.
Going back to 2009, H1N1 was going strong and I got talked into getting a flu shot and a few days (maybe a week) later I was pretty much bedridden feeling like I was going to die. I spent those days looking up why, spoke with my doctor, even saw the respiratory specialist because I was having breathing complications. It was spelled out simply, the vaccine was given around the time I was just starting to get sick, and I pretty much put my immune system on overtime to battle the virus I naturally acquired, and the vaccine I had injected. That’s what doctors and more experienced friends told me, it made sense, I took it and spent the next years learning more on that stuff, everything stayed the course in documentation, agreeing with all that. Vaccines are injecting dead and weakened forms for your body to react to, but sometimes they aren’t as weak as they are meant to be, and if you already have a similar virus forming in you, it really turns into a gang up on your system. I survived though, haven’t had the flu shot since and haven’t got near as sick as I was then. In late 2019, early 2020, when what felt like the plague rolled through the wastewater plant, people were dropping left and right, every department was getting short staffed with call-outs and it was chalked up as the flu was rough. Then we hear of this new strand called Coronavirus, some of us were skeptical, but then it made sense on timing because we were hit so hard in 11/19-01/20, we lived that environment, we were around viruses and bacteria daily, so what we thought was just a bad flu rolling through, was probably this Coronavirus.
Since then, a lot of what I see seems to shoot down a lot of what I have learned over the years. Like something just changed, not in the science, but the understanding, and misunderstanding of mostly viruses, bacteria, vaccines and our immune systems. Lets go over some things.
During these times chasing articles and my experience at the wastewater plant I have learned a lot, especially from the operators and specialists that have committed to that field, and it is amazing stuff. Main things I have learned;
- Viruses are smart, constantly trying to mutate, multiply and spread themselves out, once they have a host they are working on mutating to confuse the host’s defense mechanism and constantly trying to jump to a new cell as they mutate and duplicate to spread faster.
- A virus needs a host. Hosts have cells they can latch to, this means people, plants, animals, and even bacteria.
Speaking of viruses latching on bacteria, one study I read was about how bacteria sometimes know they are hosting a virus, some will know the virus has latched, and they themselves mutate, some are fortunate to mutate a new strand that remembers the virus and kills them, some mutate with the virus still attached, multiplying the virus as well, some die while trying to mutate, taking the virus with it, while others just keep going until the virus fully consumes them. Think of one bacteria with a virus latched, it creates three others resistant to the virus, those three then may eat that old bacteria, virus and all. Now there are millions of strands of viruses. Some only hit animals, some only hit humans, some only hit bacteria, and then some will cross breed and jump around, these are the ones that seem to plague us most; bird flu, swine flu, west nile, and studies link COVID to bats, while others still link them to labs and experimentation gone wrong. Possibilities are endless but seriously, if it was an experiment gone wrong that created this, would anyone admit to it? I think not. If it was really linked to their outdoor market, like so many others viruses have been, why is it still open and unregulated?
- Vaccines inject dead, or weakened viruses to help your immune system, but if your immune system is already battling or has battled that same virus, now it has another foreign substance to focus on.
- There are good viruses and bad viruses as well as good bacteria and bad bacteria, good ones usually live off eating the bad ones. With bacteria, I got to see this regularly at the wastewater plant. I had some awesome operators show me drops of water under a microscope, they pointed out the eggs in the pregnant ones, the charts of the different types, the live video of bacteria consuming each other and multiplying.
- Viruses and bacteria are strongest in warm weather.
- Our immune systems are weakest in cold weather. Which is why we get hit every winter with viruses mostly, because they are constantly changing and looking for new hosts to latch onto, it’s their only purpose.
Speaking of cold weather, hospitals are kept cold to prevent spread, everything moves slower, and our medical professional establishments are on top of cleaning, but it’s still an old joke that you can get sicker going to the hospital, because viruses are still mobile and mutating. While they may be a little slower in cold, their purpose is the same; latch on a host, mutate, spread, repeat.
- Viruses and bacteria can play a part in causing autoimmune diseases, which then causes the immune system to attack itself, bacteria mostly as they are more known to crowd hosts if left alone, while viruses keep jumping around every chance they get. This sometimes causes the immune system to kill its own cells trying to stop reproduction.
- Science has found the best recipe for combating bacteria. Scientists and specialists have noted how bacteria gets slower as it has to fight off more things; cold, antibiotics, immune system, etc., they can be easily distracted, and they don’t fight back when they are.
I worked with a guy that always talked about bacteria as “we just keep them fat, dumb, and happy” at the plant. They are big and strong enough to survive anywhere, they don’t need a host. Science has manipulated this by keeping them preoccupied, keep them “fat, dumb, and happy” and its easier to use them to our benefit, or remove them completely.
- Unfortunately, science has not found the best recipe for combating viruses. Viruses are constantly trying to mutate and multiply, that is their purpose, power in numbers, this can cause bodies to get frantic and weaken themselves trying to fight it all off. This makes viruses more dangerous, science can’t get ahead of them because of how they operate. They follow the path of least resistance, they latch and jump whatever way they can for the next host.
Think about that critter catcher jumping in front of the rodent trying to snatch it up, then that critter immediately shoots left or right to avoid capture. Except this critter can literally multiply on that cell sending one left and right while the middle one is getting captured.
Science has come a long way with vaccines, technology is there, vaccines help, but there is a reason they have to change it up often and sometimes they don’t help as they should. That is not the fault of science, that is because viruses are that smart. To think otherwise is pretty arrogant and disrespecting to these antigens that cause us harm daily. Our world is impacted daily by viruses and we don’t even know it. There is a war in our systems daily, and it differs with each of us depending on the elements we live, and work in.
Now, about vaccines and natural immunity. It makes much more sense for people in, say an office setting, to get vaccines than someone who works in wastewater, or a lab. The lab rats and wastewater personnel have their immune systems tested daily dealing with chemicals, viruses, and bacteria, their immune systems are much stronger because they fight more ailments often. That’s not saying office personnel have weak immune systems, they get tested too, but their immune systems are building strength from different wars. You can also compare tetanus for those that really handle metal as opposed to the ones dealing with it daily. Living in Arizona, how about valley fever and the reaction to a salesman digging holes once a year as opposed to a landscaper doing it daily? The science is there. Our bodies react to their environment, our cells respond to our everyday living. That is why it is better to be out in the elements at times, than just staying in our own personal bubbles.
- Masks are effective, we could justify wearing them year round so we don’t spit on each other when we talk, cough, sneeze, etc. They don’t catch everything though, small particles still make it through most.
- Our immune systems are effective, we can justify not wearing masks or taking shots because history and science has shown more times than not, our natural defense mechanism is stronger allowing it to adapt to our world.
Our immune systems have two types of defense, one route is responsive, they immediately fight back the foreign invaders while the other side is more methodical, observing and going the scenic route to attack the back and rid them for the longer term. Much like a war where the group confronts the enemy on the front-line while the rest of the troops are secretly flanking around back to squeeze them in.
- Vaccines can be timed perfectly to work the best, we just can’t time them perfectly, so there’s a span and hope for the best you got it at the right time. Otherwise, getting it while having other viruses does create a gang up on your system, which again, could make it stronger in the long-run, but could also crush it too.
“Your immune system does not know the vaccine is “it’s friend” trying to help. It’s the enemy too, just a weaker one.”I read that before, now think about that analogy. Where’s the argument? I am pro-vaccine, I am pro-science, I found a passion for this stuff because of my previous work and ailments. I have been down that rabbit hole and formed my own conclusion on the foundation and operation of it all. Every field I worked in tested my immune system. I wrote this because I have done my due diligence. I have put in the work to form my opinion. I can have a solid discussion on this with “experts” because I have, often, it helped me learn more, and I have also been told it has helped them see from a different perspective and got them to look at other angles in their research. That kind of brainstorming and discussion is what we need most during this time but I keep hearing and seeing people say/write that people who haven’t gotten the vaccine are dumb, stupid, selfish-assholes.I would bet most that truly believe that, got their knowledge on the core subject from the media and politicians and probably just started learning about viruses in 2020. Vaccines help, but they are not the “be all, end all” some may have you believe. We take risks with them too, and that is why we should commend those taking the jab, especially the first ones that rolled up their sleeves to an unknown foreign substance. Most of these were nurses fighting the fight already, putting themselves at more risk in hopes to help others. They are taking one for the team, right or wrong, or whether it helps or harms more in the long run.
In the era of information, your ignorance is your choice. A simple search on viruses will give you dozens of things on COVID, like there aren’t hundreds of other virus types out there. Dig a little deeper, there are stories out there that give you straight to the point studies with neutral grounds on how everything works, and some don’t mention COVID at all, because a virus is gonna virus, they all act more alike than not. Go down that rabbit hole.
Let’s talk Superbug, when you see “kills 99.9% bacteria/viruses” that .1% is most likely the superbug they are referring to, and it is documented that more times than not, that superbug is created by our overuse of medications. We give our bodies so much anti-bacterial and anti-viral medicine and eventually, our body will not react to it. Our bodies build immunity to medicine too, our bodies build immunity to vaccines too, especially when overused. Viruses and bacteria are the same, those superbugs have had enough medicine thrown at their predecessors that they evolved to immunity from them. This has caused scientists to dig for more, which is great, eventually they will find more cures, that is what its purpose is, it needs to mutate like viruses and bacteria, but it doesn’t mutate and evolve as quick, mostly because government red tape, and the “risk worth the reward” mentality. Viruses don’t have that conscience, they aren’t worried about ramifications, they just mutate to survive, they are true survivalists, and because our immune systems can react just as quickly, they will always be our best line of defense.
People’s moral compass has been skewered during this pandemic, people are dying, people are scared, people are listening to self-titled “experts” and not thinking twice, this is a recipe for disaster. Mainstream media is only showing you what they want, like usual, and more and more companies and businesses are requiring vaccinations to work or enter their establishment. It is their establishment, and that is fine, they can have whichever rules they want, but for companies forcing employee vaccinations, they should also own responsibility and pay for those employees getting sick and side effects from the vaccine, in my opinion. We just don’t know the long-term effects. It is interesting that while I hear a lot of “got it because it’s the right thing to do”, I hear it just as much for “I like to travel” and “my job required it”, and “I just want my life back. That’s a concern, we should want the vaccine, but unfortunately some of the people pushing it most, can’t be trusted (looking at you big pharmacy and government). Government officials politicized it too much from the start and burnt bridges with some people. Stances were drawn on which party was in power, some of those that started opposed are now all for it, and some of those that started for it, are now in full opposition, and we have nobody to blame but our political leaders for creating that division. Me, personally, I just didn’t get the COVID vaccine because of that spell back in 2009 and because of what I have learned regarding viral vaccines, beyond that, we don’t know long term effects and I don’t trust it completely.
If you don’t feel safe around people because they are un-vaccinated, It is understandable and there should be no hard feelings, but how people are coming out with the violent and immoral rhetoric is sad. If you are all about everyone getting vaccinated, “you’re just a sheep that deserves to walk off the cliff”, if you are all against this vaccine, “you’re just a selfish asshole that deserves to suffer from it”, a bunch of grown up children. You are the people I despise most. If this all blows over at some point, we learn to cope with this virus, adjusting to it like the flu, what people will always remember is how you treated them, you people are burning bridges you may need to cross back on. I have had COVID twice, first was while working at the wastewater plant, there were no tests, we just were pretty confident of that once word got out. The second time, I am actually dealing with now as I am writing this, I got it from a coworker who is vaccinated, and in talking with him, his reaction was more severe than mine. I don’t resent him, didn’t talk bad about his lifestyle that most likely got him it, I just dealt with it and hoped for the best. We are all fighting the same battles, nobody knows which is the right path, maybe we will never know as I expect people on both sides will come out fine, just like the polio outbreak people like to use as an example to get vaccinated without researching that a large portion of the population didn’t get the vaccine then either, and they still survived, and the polio virus has been all but eradicated in the world, despite the millions that didn’t get the vaccine. If you think people are stupid or selfish for not getting the vaccine, maybe it is really you that are the stupid and selfish one because you blind-lessly followed the mainstream media and politicians pushing it instead of doing your due diligence in seeing if it is right for you. If you think people are sheep for wearing masks and getting this vaccine, maybe it’s really you that are the sheep just going on with whatever your media and politicians are feeding you too. There is enough literature to prove both sides have proof to justify their stance. Neither side is truly stupid or selfish, neither are really “sheep”, those are traits delegated to individuals that are truly stupid, selfish, and blind-lessly follow others in everything they do. It translates to a lifestyle we see daily in this world. There are stupid and selfish people on both sides, there are sheep, on both sides, but there are also people that we trust to take care of our cars, home and even children on both sides. There are people that wouldn’t think twice about putting themselves at risk to help others, on both sides. Just be kind, and be a decent human being.
Back to the science, thankfully, science has all but mastered bacteria, which is great because bacteria would own us, they are much stronger than viruses, but our scientists and medical experts have learned how to keep them “fat, dumb, and happy”. Viruses are survivors, our best weapon against them is our immune system, because they too, react quickly. I’ve been treating COVID like any other cold or flu, NyQuil and Sudafed have been my best friends. I know they aren’t really going to help kill the virus, but what they will do is mask some of those symptoms so I can function properly while waiting for my immune system to do it’s job. Take the vaccine, wear the mask, take the vitamins, do what you gotta do to keep your immune system strong. Wash your hands regularly. Viruses aren’t going anywhere, especially with the way humans operate. Pick up a book, read an article, learn more, challenge yourself. I will provide one great link, it comes from the Harvard Medical School and it discusses and shows in detail a lot more of immunity to viruses and more detail in how everything reacts in their wars with each other. Be prepared for the scientific lingo though, there have been numerous times I found myself opening other tabs to look up words in order to breakdown the relevance to my brain, sometimes multiple times in one sentence. It is probably the biggest thing that turns most people away from learning the scientific approach on things, but that is neither here nor there. Either way, check it out. They even offer small courses and certifications if you pass, if you even want to dive in further beyond and get that paper that says you too are an “expert”. I am here for the discussion, please feel free to message me if you would like to discuss. Maybe I missed something or you feel I should elaborate more on it.
Thank you for your time.